In The Gorge (2025), Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy play elite soldiers sent to investigate a mysterious, seemingly bottomless chasm that emits strange energy signals. As they descend, they encounter bizarre creatures, time distortions, and a hidden civilization that warns them of an ancient, world-ending force. Teller’s character, driven by curiosity, accidentally awakens the entity, while Taylor-Joy’s character fights to contain it. The film climaxes with a desperate battle to seal the gorge, sacrificing themselves to save humanity. The final scene hints that the gorge’s power is still active, setting up a potential sequel.

The Gorge (2025), directed by visionary filmmaker Denis Villeneuve, was produced on a budget of $150 million, making it one of the most ambitious sci-fi thrillers of the year. The budget was allocated to cutting-edge visual effects, immersive sound design, and elaborate set pieces, including a life-sized gorge model built in Iceland for authenticity. The film’s release date was set for November 21, 2025, strategically timed to capitalize on the holiday movie season and position it as an awards contender.

The marketing campaign began with a teaser trailer in May 2025, which showcased the film’s stunning visuals and intense action sequences. The official trailer, released in September, garnered over 50 million views in its first week, generating massive buzz. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, receiving standing ovations for its gripping narrative, breathtaking visuals, and standout performances by Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy.

Upon its wide release, The Gorge opened to 85milliondomesticallyand85milliondomesticallyand220 million globally in its first weekend, eventually grossing over $700 million worldwide. Critics praised its blend of sci-fi, horror, and action, with particular acclaim for Villeneuve’s direction and the film’s haunting score by Jóhann Jóhannsson. It received multiple Academy Award nominations, including Best Visual Effects and Best Sound Design, and won for its groundbreaking CGI.

The film’s success revitalized interest in original sci-fi stories, proving that audiences crave innovative, high-concept narratives. Its cliffhanger ending sparked discussions about a potential sequel, cementing The Gorge as a modern sci-fi classic and a cultural phenomenon.